Have you ever realised that it could be your own mind that holds you back?!?
Access my free masterclass - 5 ways your mindset is holding you back (and what to do about it!)
Hi and welcome to my website!
If you've landed on my page because you're fed up of making the same mistakes again and again or allowing your lack of confidence and self-belief to block your potential then you are in the right place. I'm here to tell you that
I believe in you and pretty soon you will be believing in yourself too!
I'm Rachel - A self-confidence and positive mindset coach and host of The Mindset Map Podcast
It's time to step into your own spotlight, shatter doubts and unleash your limitless potential with confidence, joy and success.
After too long losing myself in the role of 'Mum', I'm on a mission these days to prioritise myself better, be confident and proud of my success, live more in the moment and find the joy in all areas of busy life and I want to help YOU to do the same.
What you get when you work with me is a unique blend of coaching and mentoring - I'll offer you ideas, support and strategies but will also challenge and encourage you to work on your mindset, and your self-confidence which is so often the missing piece of the puzzle!
Have you been so busy prioritising everyone else's needs above your own that you no longer even remember what you like to do anymore, let alone how to fit it in to your busy life?
Are you fed up with going round in constant circles, making the same mistakes over and over and wondering why you're just not getting where you want to go?
Do you struggle to stay positive and confident and often get caught up in negative self talk?
Do you too feel like, somewhere along the way, you've lost what makes you YOU?

Coaching can help you rediscover your passions in life and figure out what exactly is blocking you from getting where you want to go. Together we can build your confidence and develop a mindset for success whilst smashing through all the emotional barriers that may have built up over the years.
To find out how I can help you, book a free 30 minute discovery call so we can chat through where you're currently at and how I may be able to best support you.
Whatever you want in any area of your life it all starts with your mindset!
Ready to dive in? Click through the links below. Not sure? Drop me an email and let's chat...
Rachel x